The Study of Hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression

Habit or belief?

Let's learn to let go of beliefs about ourselves or others as well as the limits that were imposed upon us often since early age which may make us feel trapped or inhibit our ability to be happy.


Hypnosis is based on the idea that what we carry within, our disposition and our outlook on life and the world, our beliefs about ourselves or others, or those that others have of us, condition our lives and each daily occurrence. Hypnosis works on the modification of our internal approach to ourselves and to the outside world and the image of us that we project onto the world, so as to change every aspect of our lives that leave us unsatisfied. Forget stage hypnosis or intended for entertainment or that shown in movies. Hypnosis is nothing more than a state of deep physical and mental relaxation and concentration that leads to a high degree of concentration and suggestibility, using visualisation to identify the problems that lurk and hide inside of us and to solve them. Qualified Hypnotherapist in clinical hypnotherapy and Past Life Regression, member of the Society of UK Hypnotherapists, offers sessions in past life regression as well as hypnotherapy sessions aimed at overcoming simple traumas and phobias (e.g. public speech phobia, water phobia or phobia or certain insects or animals), quit smoking, weight loss (exclusively in cases of real obesity or significantly overweight cases, breaking bad habits and reinforcing good ones (e.g. daily exercise, walking, going to the gym), discipline, focus studying or working, and a positive disposition towards the world and life in general. The above-mentioned qualifications are available for consultation by anyone and easily verified to ensure the safety of customers.

Please note that this hypnotherapy practice does not in any way claim to be an alternative to counselling or medical therapy and clients assessed as possibly requiring such type of assistance will be referred to the area of competence concerned.

Exploring past, future or parallel lives

Losing weight TRULY in excess is EASY

Let your lungs be clean again

QUIT SMOKING with hypnosis... (pay when you see the results)

Getting over phobias or fears

Managing anger and disruptive feelings

...and not to be biased by negative past experiences

Accepting our natural beauty and natural shapes

  • Latest From Blog

    Want to quit smoking? Try with hypnotherapy. And pay only if you have the results you were hoping for, free offer.

    First consultation for Past Life Regression is free.

  • Testimonials

    • " After 9 years of attempts at ridding myself of the weight in excess, I managed to lose 9 kg in 3 months after 4 simple sessions of hypnotherapy and I've been able to keep them off for the first time in my life."

      D. Heine
    • " I'd tried many times to quit smoking but never managed to do so permanently. One session of hypnosis did it, and I paid only when I saw the results were real. "

      Paul D.